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Witex institution has a long-term experiance in examination of material's condition. We have authorities given by Laboratory of Technical Inspection and by Office of Technical Inspection. We are offering examinations with usage of non destructive WIT method (Nondestructive way of structure description, mechanical properties and steel brittleness grade evaluation). WIT method was created between 1974 and 1980 in polish Office of Technical Inspection.

The WIT Method ideas:

  • Material identification
  • Heat treatment identification
  • WIT value and HB hardness measurement
  • Results analysis

The WIT method as a non-destructive method has been applied in Poland for nearly 30 years. By this method is possible to estimate material mechanical coefficients and its brittle cracking inclination grade without sampling. The "mechanical" destroying methods, which require material sampling, do not have such a possibility.
The main instruments of the method are:

  • Measurements of high frequency ultrasonic wave attenuation factor
  • Measurements of hardness
  • Information about the grade-kind of steel, and its heat treatment

The WIT method was used in over 20,000 expert opinions carried out in the largest Polish industrial plants, including:

  • Electric power station in Belchatow
  • Electric power station in Kozienice
  • Electric power station in Turoszow
  • Electric power station in Patnow-Adamow-Konin
  • Electric power station Dolna Odra
  • Refinery in Gdansk
  • Nitric Plant in Pulawy (WIT Methode licence holder)
  • Nitric Plant in Tarnow
  • Ironworks Katowice
and other branches of industry.

WIT method is accepted (certified) by polish Office of Technical Inspection (from 1993). First normative document with general guidelines was published in 1994. There are few licence holders (keepers) of WIT method except our Works (ZBM WITEX S.A.). Over 30 thousand investigations of different installations and its parts have been made. Many reasons of damages and danger states of materials have been revealed. WIT method award a prize (gold medal) in Bruksela on exhibition EUREKA '86.

More informations about "The WIT method":
[pdf]WIT method (157kB)

60-178 Poznan, ul. Dziewinska 45, Poland
Phone/Fax: (+48 61) 833 26 22
E-mail: Http:
Thanks to all who contributed to that presentaion of NDT in Poland, especially sponsors
Gracjan Wisniewski, president of PTBNiDT

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Reminder sponsors:


Zawada NDT