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In 1962 within the structure of the Office of Technical Inspection a special unit for technical measurements and expertise was set up and acts to the present day as the Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection (CLDT). In 1992 the CLDT laboratory has granted accreditation as a testing laboratory as a first laboratory in the country fulfilling the requirements of the standard PN-EN 45001 and the ISO/IEC 25/90 Guide. The accreditation was confirmed by the certificate No. 1/92 issued by Polish Centre for Testing and Certification in Warsaw. In 2001 the laboratory granted accreditation based on the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2001 confirmed by the certificate issued by Polish Centre for Accreditation no. AB 001. The CLDT grants also an approval of the Office of Technical Inspection in Warsaw confirmed by approval certificate no. L-II-01/2002 confirming the competences of a testing laboratory within the range of activities of technical inspection.

During the 40 years of activity and 10 years of accreditation, the CLDT has been mastering its quality system and has been modernising its testing procedures and equipment. Testing and expertises are performed by the CLDT in its testrooms or on the stations prepared by an orderer. Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection co-operates with bodies certifying products and personnel and with official control bodies. Personnel performing measurements possesses certificates confirming its technical competences.

Within the structure of the CLDT are acting the following sub-laboratories:

  • Pressure Equipment Laboratory
  • Hoisting Equipment Laboratory
  • Material Testing Laboratory
  • Electrical Testing Laboratory

The above sub-laboratories perform tests and expertises of devices subjected to technical inspection according to the Law of the 21-st of December 2000 on Technical Inspection (The Journal of Polish Law No. 122, item 1321) listed in the Decision of the Ministerial Council of Poland of the 16-th of July 2002 on categories of technical devices subjected to technical inspection and also perform tests and expertises of devices not subjected to technical inspection.

Maleckiego 29, 60-706 Poznan, Poland
Phone: (+48 61) 866 10 31 Fax: (+48 61) 866 10 36
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Thanks to all who contributed to that presentaion of NDT in Poland, especially sponsors
Gracjan Wisniewski, president of PTBNiDT

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Zawada NDT