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Books and publications

GAMMA is publishing books in domains of: non destructive testing, technological diagnostics and favulty of materials science.
46 books have been published since the February 1996 in total edition of 23000 specimens. Edition of 16 books is already expended so that these books are available in electronical form (beside all books are available in electronical form). 12823 specimens of books were sold until the July this year.

GAMMA take part in yearly (March) Training Seminar on NON DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATIONS OF MATERIALS which takes place in Zakopane since 1995.
The organizers of this seminar are:

  • prof. Julian Deputat - Institute of FUndamental Technological Research (Polish Academy of Sciences PAN)
  • mgr Bogusław Osuchowski - GAMMA
So far in all seminars 1625 people took part in total.

We can offer deliveries of books in electronical form (list of books is given below). Those books are available in two languages: polish and english. We have over 40 books in our offer. Our book's topics are: evry kind of non-destructive testing, faculty of materials science, technological diagnostics, personnel certifications and exemplary tests and egzamination questions.

Here's complete list of published books topical classified:

The price of each book is 70 Euro.

If you are interested in some of those books or if you have some questions please write to us:

Thanks to all who contributed to that presentaion of NDT in Poland, especially sponsors
Gracjan Wisniewski, president of PTBNiDT

Main sponsor:

Reminder sponsors:


Zawada NDT